Monday, January 26, 2009

Vinnie getting awesome

look up badass in the dictionary this is what you see.

Headbanging Doug

Paul kicking out jams in Oakland

Bart Simpson skull and crossbone w/dagger. by Danny Derrick

Getting tatty-blasted in Vinnie's apt. by Danny Derrick.

Bogey goin kill yo ass

battle on the boucany, Kate is psyched.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sunny, Rosette, Suzanne kicks ass(!), Segundo, and Kelly.

Jesse kicks out the jams

erica has a peace offering, sam in the background


Amanda Ann getting awesome

steen and kk

Doug makes great lunch meat.

Kenna, Donnie, Siggy gettin nasty

Kool Kieth shirts encourages gothsters to get nasty

Donnie is a nasty boy like kevin nash

Steen, Mercy, and Donnie becoming sex symbols

innocent looks like miaya

guess who's wasted...

Suzanne's disaproval/ my kool kieth shirt

The Infamous Happy Doug Dance

Kenny Stone, drunk and glamourious

Rosette and Suzanne

Doug sending mixed signals

party people on the dance floor

girls gone weird.

Kelly is stoked.

Doug being a baby. give him a booster chair

Friday, January 9, 2009

warriors hi-jinks

warriors game hijinks

Sunday, January 4, 2009

party time in petaluma

Head Banging in the lobby at the Pheniox Theather.