Sunny, Rosette, Suzanne kicks ass(!), Segundo, and Kelly.
Jesse kicks out the jams
erica has a peace offering, sam in the background
Amanda Ann getting awesome
steen and kk
Doug makes great lunch meat.
Kenna, Donnie, Siggy gettin nasty
Kool Kieth shirts encourages gothsters to get nasty
Donnie is a nasty boy like kevin nash
Steen, Mercy, and Donnie becoming sex symbols
innocent looks like miaya
guess who's wasted...
Suzanne's disaproval/ my kool kieth shirt
The Infamous Happy Doug Dance
Kenny Stone, drunk and glamourious
Rosette and Suzanne
Doug sending mixed signals
party people on the dance floor
girls gone weird.
Kelly is stoked.
Doug being a baby. give him a booster chair